As of Firefox 88, we will support match indices in RegExps. Use case:
Match Indices provide additional information about the start and end indices of captured substrings relative to the start of the input string. This information is only provided if the regexp has the /d flag set. For example: let re = /A*(B)/d; let result = re.exec("xxxAABxxx"); // The match begins at index 3 and ends at index 6 // result.indices[0][0] === 3; // result.indices[0][1] === 6; // The capture group containing 'B' begins at index 5 and ends at index 6 // result.indices[1][0] === 5; // result.indices[1][1] === 6; Match indices are currently Stage 3. Bug: Standard: Platform coverage: All, no pref DevTools bug: N/A Other browsers: Implemented in JSC: Implemented in V8 behind a pref: Testing: There are test262 tests covering this feature: Secure contexts: This is a JS language feature and is therefore present in all contexts. _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list