On 2/23/21 11:52, Xidorn Quan wrote:
Please head up in CSS working group about this, and probably ask for a 
resolution on no objection for us to ship it, as this spec is still in draft.

Hmm, is it? https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#user-pseudos has had :user-invalid for quite a while, and we and other engines ship a lot of stuff in selectors-4.

(I just added spec text for :user-valid, but it was noted in the non-draft spec that there was a resolution to add it as well).

Anyhow not particularly trying to avoid this, just trying to clarify the situation. A heads-up probably wouldn't hurt anyways, and per Anne's comments we might want some html spec text as well.

 -- Emilio
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