On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 06:30:28 UTC+1, Sarah Clements wrote:
> Hi all, 
> The CIA/Treeherder team would like to share a few of the projects and 
> features that we worked on in H1 that you may not be aware of. They include: 
> Cost reduction 
> Cross-team effort reduced across-the-board monthly spend by 40% in H1 with 
> plans for another 25% or more in H2. 
> Developer productivity [gbrown] 
> Geoff reduced the backlog of testing bugs affecting developer productivity 
> with a focus on busted mach commands, improvements to crash reporting and 
> test debugging. There were 66 bugs resolved in H1 with an additional 44 
> bugs identified for continued efforts in H2. 
> Outreachy Accessibility project [camd and sclements] 
> Cameron and I mentored Outreachy intern Mellina Yonashiro during her 3 
> month internship from Dec - March. In addition to improving accessibility 
> for all users in the Treeherder family of apps, Mellina worked with Marco 
> Zehe and James Teh to create screen-reader friendly alternative views for 
> the graphs in Perfherder and Intermittent Failures View. 
> UX research and design project [camd and sclements] 
> Cameron and I observed and interviewed six developers as they used the 
> Treeherder family of apps. Based on our findings, we decided to focus 
> primarily on improving Push Health in order to make it a dedicated 
> developers view. With the assistance of UX designer Victoria Wang, we spent 
> 5 weeks on an iterative design process (mockups -> feedback from users -> 
> mockup changes). More details (and other improvements) to come. 
> Treeherder filter tasks by test or manifest path [armenzg] 
> Armen worked on a feature that enables job filtering by test or manifest 
> paths. As an example, the screenshot below shows the task in which 
> “devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser.ini” is executed 
> in. You can see it live here 
> <https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=autoland&test_paths=devtools%2Fclient%2Fframework%2Fbrowser-toolbox%2Ftest%2Fbrowser.ini&selectedTaskRun=PBW8NJNhTTm6vel1RoydDg-0>.
> More details outlined in this blog post 
> <https://medium.com/@armenzg/filter-treeherder-jobs-by-test-or-manifest-path-af0e1ae74e61>
> . 
> Treeherder Github projects now have proper commit sorting [armenzg] 
> Github does not have the concepts of pushes, however, Treeherder does. 
> There are few Github projects running on Treeherder and they each have 
> different automation systems to merge code into their respective master 
> branches. Unfortunately, this created various edge cases where a recent 
> Github code landing on master would show up later in Treeherder’s timeline. 
> This was fixed earlier this year and makes for easier tree sheriffing. 
> *Treeherder's Add new Jobs (Search) feature has been enhanced* 
> The Add New Jobs (Search) feature in Treeherder, it has recently been 
> updated to take advantage of new advanced search filtering operators 
> <https://fusejs.io/examples.html#extended-search>. These should be 
> practically equivalent to mach try fuzzy's search operators, although 
> specific queries from mach try fuzzy might not trigger an identical set of 
> jobs when used in Treeherder because of differences in how lists of 
> available jobs are supplied to both tools. Examples | Fuse.js 
> <https://fusejs.io/examples.html#extended-search> 
> Perfherder improvements 
> The performance test team has made many improvements to the Perfherder UI 
> such as improved search for alerts and allowing retriggers of up to 10 
> performance jobs directly from the Compare View. They’ve reached a 
> milestone (80% complete) with the backfill bot, which will backfill missing 
> performance jobs. 
> Best, 
> Sarah

For anyone interested in the various Perfherder updates, I've published a blog 
post with more details: 
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