I intend to land bug 1620467 tomorrow, which implements the unprefixed 
appearance property and removes many non-standard values of -moz-appearance.

Intent to Prototype mail: 

The only things that have changed since that mail of a couple of weeks ago are:

* Chrome M84, which equivalent changes, has now reached Beta.
* Chrome goes one step further and makes `appearance: button` be treated like 
`auto`, rather than having an effect on all elements except a few.  The 
telemetry I gathered for this showed a low number of pages would be affected by 
this.  I plan to make this change only once the corresponding Chrome change has 
made it to release and has been proven to not need backing out.  This is 
tracked in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5174 and 
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