Starting with Beta 79 today, we are rolling out this change to the default 
behavior of SameSite cookies to a small percentage of the beta population. The 
initial target is 10%, slowly increasing to 50% by the end of the beta cycle. 
We will hold at 50% for at least two more beta cycles, at which point we will 
consider introducing this to a small percentage of the Firefox release 

Known site breakage is being tracked here:

Web developers can find more information here:

A good overview of this issue can be found here:

Mike Conca
Group Product Manager, Firefox Web Technologies

On Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 2:34:14 AM UTC-6, Andrea Marchesini wrote:
> Link to the proposal:
> Summary:
>   "1.  Treat the lack of an explicit "SameSite" attribute as
>        "SameSite=Lax".  That is, the "Set-Cookie" value "key=value" will
>        produce a cookie equivalent to "key=value; SameSite=Lax".
>        Cookies that require cross-site delivery can explicitly opt-into
>        such behavior by asserting "SameSite=None" when creating a
>        cookie.
>    2.  Require the "Secure" attribute to be set for any cookie which
>        asserts "SameSite=None" (similar conceptually to the behavior for
>        the "__Secure-" prefix).  That is, the "Set-Cookie" value
>        "key=value; SameSite=None; Secure" will be accepted, while
>        "key=value; SameSite=None" will be rejected."
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