Dear Nick,

I must have been doing something very stupid, but can't figure out exactly.

I think after this change of fix-stack script(s), the local TB's mochitest log's NS_ASSERTION (or is it MOZ_ASSERT?) stack trace cannot be decoded.

I scratched my head and figured out that there is something wrong in the stack trace of mochitest.
They look like this. I pick up the first stacktrace in the log.

 0:21.30 GECKO(727384) {debug}:ASSERTION aISizeType=2, BTLS_FINALSIZE=2
 0:21.30 GECKO(727384) aISize=0, guess_min=10203, guess_pref=10203
 0:21.30 GECKO(727384) [727384, Main Thread] ###!!! ASSERTION: Table inline-size is less than the sum of its columns' min inline-sizes: '!(aISizeType == BTLS_FINAL_ISIZE && aISize < guess_min)', file /NEW-SSD/NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/mozilla/layout/tables/BasicTableLayoutStrategy.cpp, line 767 Initializing stack-fixing for the first stack frame, this may take a while...
 0:28.61 INFO | Waiting for browser...
 0:28.98 GECKO(727384) #01: ??? (/NEW-SSD/moz-obj-dir/objdir-tb3/dist/bin/ + 0x5ab5921)  0:28.99 GECKO(727384) #02: ??? (/NEW-SSD/moz-obj-dir/objdir-tb3/dist/bin/ + 0x5ab7f34)  0:28.99 GECKO(727384) #03: ??? (/NEW-SSD/moz-obj-dir/objdir-tb3/dist/bin/ + 0x590de76)  0:28.99 GECKO(727384) #04: ??? (/NEW-SSD/moz-obj-dir/objdir-tb3/dist/bin/ + 0x5a94c2f)  0:28.99 GECKO(727384) #05: ??? (/NEW-SSD/moz-obj-dir/objdir-tb3/dist/bin/ + 0x5ab1589)

You can see the telltale sign of fix-stack being invoked.: "Initializing stack-fixing for the first stack frame, this may take a while..."

However, the stack is not decoded as you can see in the log.

The stack dump comes from the NS_ASSERTION() in the following.
I print out the strange value for debugging before NS_ASSERTION().

#ifdef DEBUG
    if((aISizeType == BTLS_FINAL_ISIZE && aISize < guess_min)) {
             "{debug}:ASSERTION aISizeType=%d, BTLS_FINALSIZE=%d\n",
             aISizeType, BTLS_FINAL_ISIZE);
      fprintf(stderr,"aISize=%d, guess_min=%d, guess_pref=%d\n",
             aISize, guess_min, guess_pref);
    NS_ASSERTION(!(aISizeType == BTLS_FINAL_ISIZE && aISize < guess_min),
                 "Table inline-size is less than the "
                 "sum of its columns' min inline-sizes");
    if (aISize < guess_min_pct) {

Now, I look at and immediately noticed something strange there.
The file is  mozilla/tools/rb/

# Matches lines produced by MozFormatCodeAddress(), e.g.
# `#01: ???[tests/example +0x43a0]`.
line_re = re.compile("#\d+: .+\[.+ \+0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\]")

You see the re (Regular Expression) does not match the line in mochitest log produced by NS_ASSERTION().

What gives?

Also, another point is this.
I used to run the script AFTER the test was run and log was recorded. I fed the log to the script as its standard input and the script spit out the decoded stack trace. It no longer works this way even if I change line_re to match the stack trace in mochitest log. Hmm...

Any idea re what went south?



On 2020/03/06 7:52, Nicholas Nethercote wrote:
Hi all,

I have written a new stack-fixing tool, called `fix-stacks`, which
symbolizes stack traces produced by Firefox.

`fix-stacks` is intended to replace our existing stack-fixing scripts,
`fix_{linux,macosx}` and ``, which are
used (a) on many test outputs, both locally and on automation, and (b) by
DMD, Firefox's built-in heap profiler.

`fix-stacks` is now installed by `mach bootstrap` on Windows, Mac, and
Linux. It is usable from Python code via the `` wrapper
script. Its code is at

In bug 1604095 I replaced the use of `fix_{linux,macosx}` with
`` for DMD, with the following benefits.

* On Linux, stack-fixing of DMD output files (which occurs when you run
``) is roughly 100x faster. On my Linux box I saw reductions from
20-something minutes to ~13 seconds.

* On Mac, stack-fixing of DMD output files on Mac is roughly 10x faster. On
my Mac laptop I saw reductions from ~7 minutes to ~45 seconds.

* On Windows, stack-fixing of DMD output files now occurs. (It previously
did not because there is no `` script.) This means that
DMD is now realistically usable on Windows without jumping through hoops to
use breakpad symbols.

There is more work to be done. Soon, I plan to:

* use `fix-stacks` on test outputs (in `` and ``);

* re-enable stack fixing on Mac test runs on local builds, which is
currently disabled because it is so slow;

* add breakpad symbol support to `fix-stacks`;

* remove the old scripts.

The tree of relevant bugs can be seen at

The stack traces produced by `fix-stacks` are sometimes different to those
produced by the old stack-fixers. In my experience these differences are
minor and you won't notice them if you aren't looking for them. But let me
know if you have any problems.

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