
Here's the list of new issues found and filed by the Desktop Release QA team in the last 7 days. Additional details on the team's priorities last week, as well as the plans for the current week are available at: https://tinyurl.com/wjbzdf2.
Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 7 days:
*Firefox: Address Bar
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616002 - When default zoom level is changed a “100%” flash is displayed in address bar after restarting Firefox

Firefox: Bookmarks & History
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616061 - The site preview is not displayed the bookmark is made via context meniu

Firefox: Enterprise Policies
* ASSIGNED - https://bugzil.la/1616007 - Policies set via GPO can be bypassed/canceled by using an invalid policies.json file

Firefox: Installer
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616834 - Stub Installer Paveover update prompt is not displayed

Firefox: Preferences
* ASSIGNED - https://bugzil.la/1616008 - When using very high (200+%) text-only zoom in the preferences / options, text in dropdowns (menulists), buttons and other UI elements escapes the bounding box / background for the element

Firefox: Protections UI
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616508 - If in one tab ETP is OFF, the switch moves from OFF position to ON while navigating between two tabs

Core: DOM: Push Notifications
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617164 - No notification displayed when they are allowed through “Change whether you can receive notifications from the site” button

Core: ImageLib
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616765 - Large PNG image is not completely rendered on Firefox

Core: Panning and Zooming
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616593 - [Ubuntu] Scrolling is broken on “Onscroll latency” test page

Core :Widget: Cocoa
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616290 - Inconsistent naming of the "Exit fullscreen" touch bar button

Core: Widget: Win32
* RESOLVED FIXED - https://bugzil.la/1616000 - Push notification are no longer displayed

Toolkit: Video/Audio Controls
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617115 - [Ubuntu] PiP gets smaller if you navigate back and forth between videos with different formats * NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617123 - [macOS] - PIP controls overlap on resize to min size * NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617125 - Youtube - PIP frame remains on page if accessing a video from website sub-page * NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617134 - [Ubuntu] After using the keyboard shortcut to open PiP the focus remains on the site, not on PiP * NEW - https://bugzil.la/1617135 - If PiP is in focus the keyboard combination CTRL+SHIFT+] doesn't work for closing the frame.

Web Compatibility: Desktop
* NEW - https://bugzil.la/1616588 - Scrolling is broken on kaipoche.co

Mozilla: Contain-facebook
* OPEN - #584 <https://github.com/mozilla/contain-facebook/issues/584> - Certain strings are not displayed as bolded on FBC doorhanger * OPEN - #585 <https://github.com/mozilla/contain-facebook/issues/585> - Door hangers are not displayed for "Allow" and "Remove" functions

This is available as a Bugzilla bug list as well: https://tinyurl.com/w3eszkr.

Mihai Boldan

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