Yesterday, I landed the last patch to enable ESLint on all our
javascript code in mozilla-central*. You can read more about this in my
blog post
(tweet <>).

A big thank you to all those that have supported and helped with this

A note: Please do not add more items to .eslintignore
unless they are:

  * Preprocessed files, where we can't avoid the preprocessing.
  * Intentionally invalid syntax files, e.g. for tests.
  * Generate files that have to be checked in for some reason.
  * Imported code that is linted and managed in other repositories that
    belong to us (and for some reason ThirdPartyPaths.txt doesn't apply).

Imported code that is purely third party should be listed


* Except reftests and crashtests. These are intentionally not linted as
they are specially crafted tests.

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