Following up, there are now 2 identical Searchfox sessions scheduled hosted by some permutation of myself and Emilio and any other Searchfox experts who show up!  If you are interested, hopefully you can attend part of one of the sessions.  It's okay to show up late, the goal is to help people get more involved in Searchfox, not lecture you about it, so you won't be missing much if you're late[1].  You also don't have to stay for the whole time!

- Thursday: 4pm-6pm: - Friday: 10:30am-12pm:

All subsequent coordination will be happening in #searchfox-berlin-2020 on  which I think is canonically.  (Note that previously I had mentioned an identically named channel on Slack.  We'll simulcast any important announcements there too, but I'd suggest bailing on the Slack room in favor of the Matrix room.)


1: I will prepare a small slide deck to provide a quick overview of things which I'll make available by Thursday morning which should help you come up to speed pre-emptively or just-in-time if you miss the not-a-lecture at the beginning of the session.

On 1/9/20 1:43 PM, Andrew Sutherland wrote:
Are people interested in a session(s) at the All-Hands on Searchfox? If you're interested in any of the following things, please email me here or at or let me know via other channels, and let me know which of the following you'd be interested in.  My goal is to get a rough count so I can try and book a room if there's interest.

1. Contributing to Searchfox.  Want to improve something about Searchfox?  You can!

We can help you get set up with a local VM and credentials to try your changes on mozilla-central in the cloud without your laptop melting down!  Already tried contributing and tried to melt your own laptop down out of frustration with setting up VirtualBox?  We can help with that too!  (Also, you can now use libvirt and save yourself a bundle in new laptops!)

Already have the VM setup and appreciate the extensive Searchfox documentation at and but want some guidance on how to implement the thing you want to do?  We can help with that double too!

2. Talking Searchfox UX, especially as it relates to upcoming features/possibilities on the "fancy" branch.

I've been doing some hacking to support a more structured representation of data to support creating diagrams[1] for both documentation purposes and to make code exploration and understanding easier.

This potentially opens up a bunch of new features like demonstrates, providing both the type of a thing you've clicked on, plus being able to see its documentation or uses without having to click through.  But the more features you try and cram into something, the more potential for them to get in the way of what the user actually wanted to do.  For example, the helpful popup also probably hides the code you were trying to look at. Should the information be in a big box at the bottom of the screen like  The top?  Configurable?

Also, for the diagrams, how to make them most accessible.  My current approach[2] attempts to leverage the inherent hierarchy into a ul/li tree-structure that directly mirrors the clustering used in the graphviz diagram, with in and out edges indicated at each node.  Planned work includes figuring out how to best get NVDA to make those edges traversable so that the traversal is possible with more than manually using ctrl-f.

3. Talking Searchfox data exposure for your own tools, especially as it relates to the new data available on the "fancy" branch.

Do you have a tool that uses Searchfox and wish its result format wasn't clearly just a data structure pre-baked for presentation purposes that the receiving JS perform a light HTML-ization on?


1: Here are some examples of diagrams created during prototyping:

- Manually creation by clicking on calls/called-by edges in iterative search results exploration: - Automatic diagram from heuristics based on local same-file control flow: - Blockly based diagramming without rank overrides or colors applied:


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