tl;dr: The Code Review Bot will now warn you about CI-breaking issues on


We have just released a new version of the code review bot that changes
slightly how lint issues are reported on Phabricator:


   Issues breaking the CI are now reported as Phabricator lint results.
   Those are unignorable, contrary to inline comments.
   We are highlighting them because, if landed, such patches would be
   backed-out by the sheriffs.
   They are displayed at the top of the revision, and in the patch. They
   also are automatically removed on new diffs.

   Ignorable lint issues (warnings) and static analysis results are still
   reported as inline comments.

This will help you know when your patch has issues which would cause a

You can view a demonstration of such an error report here:

Bastien & Marco
dev-platform mailing list

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