Hi Boris,

Blink doesn't support offset-anchor either it seems. Are you keeping it behind 
a feature flag as well?

The WebKit bug is here: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203847
At least initially I do not plan to implement offset-anchor either.

The spec currently is a working draft and not a candidate recommendation (CR). 
Is that going to get considered? Or did the CSS WG agree to ship?

For the spec it might make sense to split into 2 levels: Level 1 could be the 3 
longhand properties offset-path (with the limitations you mentioned), 
offset-distance and offset-rotate and the shorthand offset. Level 2 would 
include the 2 remaining properties and the ray() and basic shape functions. If 
2 implementations support the 3 longhand properties consistently it brings the 
spec of level 1 to CR faster.


From: dev-platform <dev-platform-boun...@lists.mozilla.org> on behalf of Boris 
Chiou <bch...@mozilla.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 11:44 PM
To: dev-platform
Subject: Intent to Ship: motion path module level 1

Hi, All

As of Firefox 72, I intend to turn the preference of motion-path,
layout.css.motion-path.enabled, on by default on all platforms. Blink has
shipped it already but Webkit doesn't support it yet. There are some
properties defined in the spec, and I would like to ship part of them, to
match the behaviors in Blink:

1. offset-path: none | path()

2. offset-distance

3. offset-rotate

4. offset-anchor

Note: We have implemented ray() for offset-path
<https://www.w3.org/TR/motion-1/#valdef-offsetpath-ray>, but there are
still some critical spec issues not resolved, so I will add a new
preference to disable it on beta and release channels.

*Bug to turn on by default*:

*Spec*: https://www.w3.org/TR/motion-1/ (or

*DevTools*: We don't support DevTools for this motion-path now.


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