Starting from version 72, Firefox will require a user gesture when calling
Notification.requestPermission() [0] and PushManager.subscribe() [1].

Requests that do not follow a user gesture will be automatically denied. We
will, however, show a small UI indicator that can be used by Firefox users
to retroactively grant permission to the site. Starting from Firefox 71,
there will be a warning in the developer console.

This restriction was implemented and turned on by default in Nightly and
Beta earlier this year [2]. Until recently we ran a set of experiments and
studies around notification permission prompts.

We're making this change in order to improve the acceptance rate of
notification prompts in Firefox after running a number of user studies. The
details and rationale can be found in our blog post[3].

This change will be made in bug 1593644.

Please see the above linked blog post for more information and let me know
if you have any questions or concerns.






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