On 11/1/19 4:03 PM, Andrew Sutherland wrote:
On 11/1/19 4:39 PM, Kim Moir wrote:
On Nov 14, 2019, we intend to change the permissions associated with
3 access to revoke direct push access to hg.mozilla.org on
mozilla-central, mozilla-beta, mozilla-release and esr repos.
For mozilla-beta, mozilla-release, and esr... does lando know how to
land to these, or is it the case that landings on these branches are
done based on the approval flags by people other than the patch author?
I ask because if I create a branch based on the hg unified repo
"release" tag and then use `moz-phab` to create a review, I assume
what happens if I try and land with "lando" is that it will try and
land the commit against mozilla-central and it may succeed if the file
hasn't changed too much in central versus where it was on the release
I recently encountered this situation too. Perhaps I just haven't read
the right document, but what is the current procedure for manual backports?
I'm now accustomed to the Magic Backporting van der Fairy doing most of
my backports for me based on the approval flags. But if a patch doesn't
apply cleanly then I manually rebase onto the beta and/or esr branch. If
I can't push those myself, should I manually clear out the Phabricator
revision ID in the commit message so I can use moz-phab or phabsend to
create a new phabricator revision? I know those have a repo callsign of
MOZILLACENTRAL -- does that cover beta and esr too, or is there a
different callsign to use?
Or should I dig out bzexport and attach the patch to the bug? (That's
what I did, but I felt like I was leaning on van der Fairy's good graces.)
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