Agreed with clarification. Declarative text/css stylesheets not
restricted. Imperative new APIs (like Houdini APIs) should be
restricted to secure contexts by default. Thanks, Tantek

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 4:53 PM Daniel Veditz <> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 4:27 PM Tantek Çelik <> wrote:
>> Based on your reasoning, and our consistent intent emails and shipping
>> behavior, I think we should consider updating the blog post on this
>> matter regarding all CSS features (cc: annevk), or posting a separate
>> update post accordingly, using the reasoning you've provided as our
>> guidance.
> Just to be clear I was not talking about "all" CSS features but mainly the 
> ones specified in text/css stylesheets. New CSS features that are implemented 
> through JavaScript APIs (like CSS Painting API) ought to be restricted, and 
> exemptions should require an explicit compelling argument. Browsers have 
> already invented mechanisms to expose properties conditionally so it's not an 
> implementation burden, and it's possible for web developers to do feature 
> detection and deal with it. The calculus comes out differently.
> [I note the CSS Painting API spec doesn't mention such restrictions 
> currently, but Chrome's implementation seems to have done so anyway.]
> -Dan Veditz
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