I intend to enable CSS subgrid by default for v71.

*Summary: *
The CSS Grid 2 subgrid feature allows nested grids to participate in the sizing of their parent's tracks, on a per-axis basis.

*Bug to turn on by default: *

*Meta bug where this feature is developed:*


*Platform coverage:*
All platforms.

*DevTools bug:*
Subgrid is supported in devtools.  Metabug:

*Other browsers: *
Blink/WebKit doesn't support subgrid so far, but it is expected that they eventually will. Folks from Igalia and others have been participating in the spec discussions.

*web-platform-tests: *

*Secure contexts:* N/A

There is one unresolved spec issue under discussion: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4411 which might require updating our implementation. I don't feel like it's a major issue that needs to block us from shipping. There should be a resolution soon and hopefully we can uplift any potential changes as a bug fix before it's released.

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