On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 12:29 PM Andre Natal <ana...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> We tried to capture everything here [1], so please if you don't see your
> question addressed in this document, just give us a shout either here in
> the thread or directly.
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BE90kgbwE37fWoQ8vqnsQ3YMiJCKJSvqQwa463yCN1Y/edit?ts=5da0f63f#

Thanks. It doesn't address the question of what the UI in Firefox is
like. Following the links for experimenting with the UI on one's own
leads to https://mdn.github.io/web-speech-api/speech-color-changer/ ,
which doesn't work in Nightly even with prefs flipped.

(Trying that example in Chrome shows that Chrome presents the
permission prompt as a matter of sharing the microphone with
mdn.github.io as if this was WebRTC, which suggests that mdn.github.io
decides where the audio goes. Chrome does not surface that, if I
understand correctly how this API works in Chrome, the audio is
instead sent to a destination of Chrome's choosing and not to a
destination of mdn.github.io's choosing. The example didn't work for
me in Safari.)

Henri Sivonen
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