On 27/09/2019 23:19, Botond Ballo wrote:
Emilio, thanks for all your work on this!
On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:23 AM Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@mozilla.com> wrote:
Does anyone have strong opinions against removing scroll anchoring from
Gecko, based on the above?
My 2c: it would be unfortunate to give up on scroll anchoring as a
feature altogether.
However, if we need to disable it for now, until its spec is in better
shape, I can understand that;
I'd be concerned that if we disable it, we'll in effect no longer be
providing useful implementation feedback to help shape the spec, and
neither site nor spec authors will be guided towards anything better or
more clearly defined than "however Chrome behaves".
especially as the code would
(presumably) still be there and users for whom it works well and
really want it can turn it back on by flipping the pref.
Although our chances of noticing regressions in this code will be
greatly diminished (as well as the likelihood of noticing site authoring
problems and spec shortcomings).
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