
if you don't push to mozilla-inbound anymore, you can stop reading.

Merges from central to inbound outnumber the pushes by developers to it these days. Several subsequent pushes of merges from central to inbound without changes pushed directly to inbound are the default.

To reduce the unnecessary use of the underlying resources, mozilla-central will only be merged twice per week to mozilla-inbound: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am UTC. If you have to push something to inbound and need the latest mozilla-central code on inbound, please request a merge in #sheriffs on IRC. Inbound pushers are expected to assist code sheriffs with merges to central in case of conflicts else those merges are either delayed or - if more changes wait to be merged to inbound - the conflicting change(s) will be backed out.

Merges from mozilla-inbound to mozilla-central will continue unchanged: If code from inbound can be merged to central, it will get merged by sheriffs approximately every 6h during workdays and every 12h on weekends.

Sebastian Hengst
dev-platform mailing list

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