I'm sure that Searchfox could have useful highlights.

However, as you guessed, this was something that happened within an
editor + debugger, so there's only so much we can do in this direction.


On 06/09/2019 15:40, Andrew Sutherland wrote:
> On 9/6/19 7:31 AM, David Teller wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I recently spent half a day attempting to solve a
>> bug which would have been trivial if `a` and `m` prefixes had been
>> present in that part of the code.
>> While I find these notations ugly, they're also useful.
> Is this something searchfox could have helped with by annotating the
> symbol names via background-color, iconic badge, or other means?  Simon
> and I have been discussing an optional emacs glasses-mode style of
> operation which so far would allow for:
> - expansion of "auto" to the actual underlying inferred type. "auto"
> would still be shown, and the expanded type would be shown in a way that
> indicates it's synthetic like being placed in parentheses and rendered
> in italics.
> - inlining of constants.
> Searchfox does already highlight all instance of a symbol when it's
> hovered over, or optionally made sticky from the menu (thanks, :kats!),
> but more could certainly be done here.  The question is frequently how
> to provide the extra information without making the interface too busy.
> But of course, if this was all being done from inside an editor or a
> debugger, no matter what tricks searchfox can do, they can't help you
> elsewhere.
> Andrew
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