I've updated our "Debugging on Mac OS X" MDN page with some information
about debugging Mac builds with Notarization and Hardened Runtime


Let me know if you have any questions.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 1:27 PM Haik Aftandilian <haftandil...@mozilla.com>

> Release Engineering will soon be turning on Apple Notarization and
> Hardened Runtime[1] for Nightly channel builds. See previous discussion[2]
> on dev-platform for more information.
> First, I want to recognize that this required a very significant amount of
> work from the Release Engineering team to adapt our release pipeline to
> support Notarization, especially from Aki Sasaki and Nick Thomas.
> What you need to know as a Firefox Mac developer:
> I) Hardened Runtime and Notarization are not enabled for local builds so
> there is no impact to debugging of local builds. We have a bug filed[2] to
> enable Hardened Runtime on local builds, but this should not affect
> debugging because the debugging restriction only applies to Notarized
> applications.
> II) Debugging a Nightly channel build will require disabling Mac System
> Integrity Protection[3] (SIP). Nightly channel builds will be signed with
> the Hardened Runtime entitlements from the production.entitlements.xml file
> from the tree.
> III) try push builds will be signed with Hardened Runtime enabled using
> the entitlements from the developer.entitlements.xml file from the tree and
> should be debuggable as before.
> For bugs found that appear to be caused by this change, please file under
> Core/Widget: Cocoa.
> Haik
> 1.
> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_your_app_before_distribution
> 2.
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/4VvbvY1Brnw/DWYlj8rhDAAJ
> 3. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1522409
> 4. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204899
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