tl;dr We've changed ESLint's configuration to enable HTML parsing by default for better editor integration. Sublime Text users will need to change configuration.

Up until now the ESLint configuration in mozilla-central has been with the html plugin not enabled, but to enable it when `./mach eslint` is run. The main effect of this is that editors that automatically run linters, HTML files would not be checked.

With the configuration change <>, HTML files will now be parsed by VSCode and Atom (and possibly other editors).

The downside is that Sublime Text has its own parsing for HTML files and this conflicts with ESLint's HTML plugin <>.

If you want Sublime to keep working, you need to change your user settings for the SublimeLinter plugin to include the selector configuration below:

|{ "linters": { "eslint": { "selector": "source.js, text.html.basic, text.xml", } } } |||


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