I’ve just finished writing up a guide to image file types and formats.
Before making it widely hooked into the main body of our documentation, I
would like to get it reviewed by engineers to ensure accuracy.


Feel free to edit the article in place (log in to MDN and click the edit
button at the top of the page), or if you’re uncomfortable with that, just
email me your suggestions.

Things to look for:

   - Factual errors
   - Things that are important that aren’t mentioned
   - Things mentioned that should not be
   - Anything explained awkwardly
   - Anything else you think should be fixed, changed, or added

The goal isn’t to be a complete detailed list of every fact about every
format, but to provide enough information to allow a developer to decide
what makes sense for them to use.

Eric Shepherd
Senior Technical Writer
MDN Web Docs <https://developer.mozilla.org/>
Blog: https://www.bitstampede.com/
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