Even on Desktop, we needed to move some cleanup to startup, in case the
process was killed by the OS.
On 07/06/2019 20:40, Chris Peterson wrote:
> On 6/7/2019 9:36 AM, Kris Maglione wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 09:18:38AM +0300, Henri Sivonen wrote:
>>> For late shutdown cleanup, we have nsLayoutStatics::Shutdown(). Do we
>>> have a similar method for running things as soon as we've decided that
>>> the application is going to shut down?
>>> (I know there are observer topics, but I'm trying to avoid having to
>>> create an observer object and to make sure that _it_ gets cleaned up
>>> properly.)
>> Observers are automatically cleaned up at XPCOM shutdown, so you
>> generally don't need to worry too much about them. That said,
>> nsIAsyncShutdown is really the way to go when possible. But it
>> currently requires an unfortunate amount of boilerplate.
> Note that on Android, you may never get an opportunity for a clean
> shutdown because the OS can kill your app at any time.
> I don't know what is the recommendation for shutdown activities on
> Android. The GeckoView team has had some recent bugs caused by shutdown
> tasks not running (e.g. committing cached font files or deleting temp
> files). I think these tasks were moved to startup or scheduled to run
> periodically.
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