Hi everyone,

*Summary*: I'm planning to move the designMode getter/setter as well as
execCommand(), and the queryCommand*() methods from HTMLDocument to Document
to bring our implementation of these APIs on par with the HTML spec.
*Bug*: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1415270
*Link to standard*: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-
*Platform coverage*: all platforms.
*Estimated or target release*: Firefox 69.
*Preference behind which this will be implemented*: No preference.
*Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?* The methods are
available to all frames.
*DevTools bug*: No specific devtools support needed.
*Do other browser engines implement this?* Yes, both Blink and WebKit
support these APIs on Document.prototype.

*web-platform-tests*: This fix makes us pass the existing wpt tests that
test for the availability of these methods on the Document prototype.  I'm
also adding a few new tests.

*Is this feature restricted to secure contexts?* No.  This is motivated by
improving our web compatibility story, so we'd like to make this attribute
available where other web engines already make it available.

Please note that while I'm moving where these APIs are exposed, this does
not mean that we're going to expose the ability to edit non-HTML documents.

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