On 10/05/2019 21:49, David Burns wrote:
Not yet as we are stabilising tests for gecko view but hopefully soon!
That won't automatically work; we'd need to start uploading Android
results to wpt.fyi. Which is possible in one of two ways:
* Add Geckoview on Android to the TC configuration for wpt
* Start uploading results from m-c
The former has the advantage that all the upstream pushes will run kust
like for desktop, so the results will be directly comparable with other
browsers. The problem is that there may be implementation difficulties
connecting up taskcluster-github with the packet infrastructure for
running in the Android emulator. However if we do this it seems likely
we can also make Chrome Android work as a point of comparison.
The alternative where we just publish the results from m-c will end up
creating an entirely seperate set of Firefox-only data corresponding to
m-c pushes. That data won't be directly comparable against other
browsers, so although it's easier to do it's less useful.
I think getting android running upstream would be a good use of time and
resources, but it's likely to be a reasonable amount of work.
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