The code coverage build is using GCC 6, if you do a try build don't
forget to
include that too (you'll need to pass the "--full" argument if you are using
mach try fuzzy).

The last time I tried, switching to GCC 7 caused a lot of timeouts
(, but I didn't
investigate more.

- Marco.

Il 20/03/19 10:57, Mike Hommey ha scritto:
> Sorry for the late answer. Thanks for prodding me on irc.
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 06:36:39PM -0800, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I have a use-case for inline variables, and it's not 100% clear to me
>> how up-to-date is [1], so asking this mailing-list directly.
>> Looks like they're supported from clang 3.9 [2] and gcc 7 [3].
>> We're requiring clang 4.0+ to build already, and IIUC we don't build
>> with MSVC anymore. But looks like we still support gcc 6 (which I guess
>> means I can't use them right now).
>> Is that right? If so, how far are we from requiring gcc 7 to build?
> According to [1], the only main distro that would have a hard time
> _building_ Firefox with such a requirement and that is not EOL is Debian
> 9.
> Now, two things that do not appear yet on that table, because I haven't
> added them, is rustc and nasm.
> As only the ESR version really has any sort of impact on Debian stable,
> and the next ESR is, afaik, going to be 68, the requirements for rustc
> and nasm for that version are going to be, respectively, (probably) 1.33
> and 2.13. Neither of those is available in Debian 9, so Debian will have
> to backport those anyways. In the process of backporting rustc, they'll
> have to backport a recent llvm too (probably 7, maybe 8), which will
> mechanically bring a newer version of clang. So, with my Debian hat on,
> even if a backport of a more recent version of GCC is not made for ESR68
> (there's precedent on using a "gcc-mozilla" package to build Firefox, so
> that's also a possibility), there's going to be a recent enough version
> of clang to build Firefox (and even then, Debian 9 has clang-4 too).
> So... with both my Debian and Mozilla hats on, I think we can reasonably
> bump the requirement to GCC 7.
> However, there have been hurdles in the past with GCC 7 on Mozilla CI,
> but IIRC that was related to trying to _ship_ those builds. We still do
> have builds using GCC for various reasons, but we don't ship them, so
> that should be fine. We _do_ have jobs that use a GCC plugin that may
> not be ready to be updated to GCC 7, though.
> So, I'd say, change all occurrences of linux64-gcc-6 with linux64-gcc-7
> under taskcluster/ci, change the minimum GCC version supported in
> build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure, and do a try build including
> all the build types you changed the toolchain dependencies of, and see
> how it goes. And file bugs if things don't go well :).
> Cheers,
> Mike
> 1. 
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