I talked to peterv about the pdf.js issues this morning, and the general
consensus is that fake plugins were seen as "a way" to fix those issues but
not a definite solution. Also, it had been for a while since any of that
was even discussed and no one had approached the problem, so removing fake
plugins for now was fine, and once work on that was active, we can revisit
and possibly revive parts as needed.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 1:55 PM Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 2/21/19 3:44 PM, Kyle Machulis wrote:
> > and Pdf.js is still shipping as a stream handler for the
> > time being.
> Note that there are a bunch of issues with that (e.g. around
> window.print()), which we were hoping fake plugins would solve.  If that
> plan has been abandoned, it might be worth finding some resources to
> solve those problems in some other way, because they are causing compat
> pain...
> Apart from that, removing fake plugins sounds good.
> -Boris
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