*NOTE* This newsletter is also posted at

*TL;DR* Fission is happening and our first “Milestone” is targeted at
the end of February. Please file bugs related to fission and mark them as
“Fission Milestone: ?” so we can triage them into the correct milestone.

A little more than a year ago, a serious security flaw affecting almost all
processors was publicly disclosed
Three known variants of the issue
were announced with the names dubbed as Spectre
<https://spectreattack.com/spectre.pdf> (variants 1 and 2) and
Meltdown <https://meltdownattack.com/meltdown.pdf> (variant 3). Spectre
abuses a CPU optimization technique known
as speculative execution to exfiltrate secret data stored in memory of other
running programs via side channels. This might include cryptographic keys,
passwords stored in a password manager or browser, cookies, etc. This timing
attack posed a serious threat to the browsers because webpages often serve
JavaScript from multiple domains that run in the same process. This
vulnerability would enable malicious third-party code to steal sensitive
data belonging to a site hosting that code, a serious flaw that would
a web security cornerstone known as Same-origin policy

Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Firefox JS and Security teams, we were
able to mitigate these vulnerabilities right away. However, these
may not save us in the future if another security vulnerability is released
exploiting the same underlying problem of sharing processes (and hence,
memory) between different domains, some of which may be malicious. Chrome
spent multiple years working to isolate sites in their own processes.

We aim to build a browser which isn’t just secure against known security
vulnerabilities, but also has layers of built-in defense against potential
future vulnerabilities. To accomplish this, we need to revamp the
architecture of Firefox and support full Site Isolation. We call this next
step in the evolution of Firefox’s process model “*Project Fission*“. While
Electrolysis split our browser into Content and Chrome, with Fission, we
“split the atom”, splitting cross-site iframes into different processes than
their parent frame.

Over the last year, we have been working to lay the groundwork for Fission,
designing new infrastructure. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll need
from all Firefox teams to adapt our code to a post-Fission browser
Planning and Coordination

Fission is a massive project, spanning across many different teams, so
track of what everyone is doing is a pretty big task. While we have a weekly
project meeting, which someone on your team may already be attending, we
started also using a Bugzilla project tracking flag to keep track of the
we have in progress.

Now that we’ve moved past much of the initial infrastructure ground work, we
are going to keep track of work with our milestone targets. Each milestone
will contain a collection of new features and improved functionality which
brings us incrementally closer to our goal.

Our first milestone, “Milestone 1” (clever, I know), is currently targeted
for the end of February. In Milestone 1, we plan to have the groundwork for
out-of-process iframes, which encompasses some major work, including, but
limited to, the following contributions:

   - *:rhunt* is implementing basic out-of-process iframe rendering behind a
   pref. (Bug 1500257 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1500257>
   - *:jdai* is implementing native JS Window Actor APIs to migrate
   (Bug 1467212 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1467212>)
   - *:farre* is adding support for BrowsingContext fields to be
   synchronized between multiple content processes. (Bug 1523645
   - *:peterv* has implemented new cross-process WindowProxy objects to
   correctly emulate the Window object APIs exposed to cross-origin
   (Bug 1353867 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1353867>)
   - *:mattn* is converting the FormAutoFillListeners code to the actors
   infrastructure. (Bug 1474143
   - *:felipe* simulated the Fission API for communicating between parent
   and child processes. (Bug 1493984
   - *:heycam* is working on sharing UA stylesheets between processes. (Bug
   1474793 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1474793>)
   - *:kmag*, *:erahm* and many others have reduced per-process memory
   - *:jld* is working on async process launches
   - *:dragana*, *:kershaw* and others are moving networking logic into a
   socket process. (Bug 1322426
   - …and so much more!

If you want an up-to-date view of Milestone 1, you can see the current
Milestone 1 status
on Bugzilla.

If have a bug which may be relevant to fission, *please* let us know by
the “Fission Milestone” project flag to ‘?’. We’ll swing by and triage it
the correct milestone.

[image: Setting Fission Milestone Project Flag]

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to one of us, and we’ll
you answers, or guide you to someone who can:

   - Ron Manning <rmann...@mozilla.com> (Fission Engineering Project
   - Nika Layzell <n...@mozilla.com> (Fission Tech Lead)
   - Neha Kochar <nkoc...@mozilla.com> (DOM Fission Engineering Manager)

What’s Changing?

In order to make each component of Firefox successfully adapt to a
world, many of them are going to need changes of varying scale. Covering
all of
the changes which we’re going to need would be impossible within a single
newsletter. Instead, I will focus on the changes to actors, messageManagers,
and document hierarchies.

Today, Firefox has process separation between the UI - run in the
*parentprocess*, and web content - run in *content processes*.
Communication between
these two trees of “Browsing Contexts” is done using the TabParent and
TabChild actors in C++ code, and Message Managers in JS code. These systems
communicate directly between the “embedder”, which in this case is the
<browser> element, and the root of the embedded tree, which in this case
would be the toplevel DocShell in the tab.

However, in a post-Fission world, this layer for communication is no longer
sufficient. It will be possible for multiple processes to render distinct
subframes, meaning that each tab has multiple connected processes.

Components will need to adapt their IPC code to work in this new world,
both by
updating their use of existing APIs, and by adapting to use new Actors and
which are being added as part of the Fission project.
Per-Window Global Actors

For many components, the full tree of Browsing Contexts is not important,
rather communication is needed between the parent process and any specific
document. For these cases, a new actor has been added which is exposed both
C++ code and JS code called [PWindowGlobal].

Unlike other actors in gecko, such as Tab{Parent,Child}, this actor exists
for all window globals, including those loaded within the parent process.
is handled using a new PInProcess manager actor, which supports sending main
thread to main thread IPDL messages.

JS code running within a FrameScript may not be able to inspect every frame
once, and won’t be able to handle events from out of process iframes.
it will need to use our new [JS Window Actor] APIs, which we are targeting
land in Milestone 1. These actors are “managed” by the WindowGlobal actors,
and are implemented as JS classes instantiated when requested for any
particular window. They support sending async messages, and will be present
both in-process and out-of-process windows.

C++ logic which walks the frame tree from the TabChild may stop working.
Instead, C++ code may choose to use the PWindowGlobal actor to send
messages in
a manner similar to JS code.
BrowsingContext objects

C++ code may also maintain shared state on the BrowsingContext object. We
targeting landing the field syncing infrastructure in Milestone 1, and it
provide a place to store data which should be readable by all processes
with a
view of the structure.

The parent process holds a special subclass of the BrowsingContext object:
CanonicalBrowsingContext. This object has extra fields which can be used in
the parent to keep track of the current status of all frames in one place.
TabParent, TabChild and IFrames

The Tab{Parent,Child} actors will continue to exist, and will always bridge
from the parent process to a content process. However, in addition to these
actors being present for toplevel documents, they will also be present for
out-of-process subtrees.

As an example, consider the following tree of nested browsing contexts:

         +-- 1 --+
         | a.com |
          /     \
    +-- 2 --+ +-- 4 --+
    | a.com | | b.com |
    +-------+ +-------+
        |         |
    +-- 3 --+ +-- 5 --+
    | b.com | | b.com |
    +-------+ +-------+

Under e10s, we have a single Tab{Parent,Child} pair for the entire tab,
would connect to 1, and FrameScripts would run with content being the 1‘s

After Fission, there will still be a Tab{Parent,Child} actor for the root of
the tree, at 1. However, there will also be two additional Tab{Parent,Child}
actors: one at 3 and one at 4. Each of these nested TabParent objects are
held alive in the parent process by a RemoteFrameParent actor whose
corresponding RemoteFrameChild is held by the embedder’s iframe.

The following is a diagram of the documents and actors which build up the
tree, excluding the WindowGlobal actors. RF{P,C} stands for
RemoteFrame{Parent,Child}, and T{P,C} stands for Tab{Parent,Child}.
The RemoteFrame actors are managed by their embedding Tab actors, and use
the same underlying transport.

- within a.com's process -

         | TC: 1 |
         +-- 1 --+
         | a.com |
          /     \
    +-- 2 --+ +-------+
    | a.com | | RFC:2 |
    +-------+ +-------+
    | RFC:1 |

- within b.com's process -

    +-------+    +-------+
    | TC: 2 |    | TC: 3 |
    +-------+    +-------+
        |            |
    +-- 3 --+    +-- 4 --+
    | b.com |    | b.com |
    +-------+    +-------+
                 +-- 5 --+
                 | b.com |

- within the parent process -

         | TP: 1 |
          /     \    (manages)
    +-------+ +-------+
    | RFP:1 | | RFP:2 |
    +-------+ +-------+
        |         |
    +-------+ +-------+
    | TP: 2 | | TP: 3 |
    +-------+ +-------+

This Newsletter

I hope to begin keeping everyone updated on the latest developments with
Fission over the coming months, but am not quite ready to commit to a
weekly or
bi-weekly newsletter schedule.

If you’re interested in helping out with the newsletter, please reach out
let me (Nika) know!.

*Thanks for reading, and best of luck splitting the atom!*

The Project Fission Team <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Project_Fission#Team>
dev-platform mailing list

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