There are probably two different issues.

On 1/28/19 1:51 PM, wrote:
> Is it possible to add an  extra variable to mozilla string(nsTStringRepr). 
> I added a bool variable to nsTStringRepr class in  Xpcom/Strings/ 
> While building the build  I got static Assertions like  below 
> ############################################################ 
>  /User/Desktop/MOZB/mozilla-central/xpcom/base/nsCycleCollector.cpp:1954:3: 
> error: static_assert failed "Don't create too large CCGraphBuilder objects" 
>  0:34.99   static_assert(sizeof(CCGraphBuilder) <= 4096, 

If you're just experimenting this assertion can probably just be ignored
/ commented out, seems it's just to prevent accidentally wasting a lot
of memory.

> ################################################################ 
> In normal execution (without adding any variable to core string )size of 
> CCGraphBuilder is 4096 
> Since it is static_assert I commented that line and  proceeded  in building. 
> Building was successful. 
> While running  firefox it just popsup and crashes. 
> I used debbugger to know where it is getting crashed 
> It is at 
> /mozilla-central/servo/components/style/gecko/ 
> 75: debug_assert!(!self.inner().mContents.mRawPtr.is_null()); 
> I  guess it is  getting crashed because of memory issue. I don't exactly. 
> Does anyone  know what is the exact problem and help me in modification of 
> mozilla string.

This one probably means that you forgot to also update the rust version
of the string representation in:

And as a result you're corrupting some memory somewhere. I think we have
unit tests that would catch that mistake:

If you updated both, then I don't know and I'd have to take a look on a
debugger :)

 -- Emilio
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