Is it possible to add an  extra variable to mozilla string(nsTStringRepr).

I added a bool variable to nsTStringRepr class in  Xpcom/Strings/

While building the build  I got static Assertions like  below
 error: static_assert failed "Don't create too large CCGraphBuilder objects"
 0:34.99   static_assert(sizeof(CCGraphBuilder) <= 4096,


In normal execution (without adding any variable to core string )size of 
CCGraphBuilder is 4096

Since it is static_assert I commented that line and  proceeded  in building.

Building was successful.

While running  firefox it just popsup and crashes.

I used debbugger to know where it is getting crashed
It is at 

75: debug_assert!(!self.inner().mContents.mRawPtr.is_null());

I  guess it is  getting crashed because of memory issue. I don't exactly. Does 
anyone  know what is the exact problem and help me in modification of mozilla 
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