On Thu, Jan 10, 2019, at 12:38 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> A (non-changed) part of the charter says under SVG2: "This
> specification updates SVG 1.1 to include HTML5-compatible parsing". Is
> that in reference to
> https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/single-page.html#embedded-HTMLElements or
> something else? I.e. does it mean the SVG WG wants to change the HTML
> parsing algorithm to put <video> and <audio> with
> non-integration-point SVG parent into the HTML namespace in the HTML
> parser?

I see the note in that section you link that says:

> Currently, within an SVG subtree, these tagnames are not recognized by the 
> HTML parser to
> be HTML-namespaced elements, although this may change in the future. 
> Therefore, in order
> to include these elements within SVG, one of the following must be used:
> ...

The "this may change in the future" part sounds like someone thought that it 
might be the case in the future.  Saying that SVG 2 "includes HTML5-compatible 
parsing" is a bit odd, though, since that behavior is defined in the HTML spec. 
 In any case, given the group's intended focus on stabilizing and documenting 
what is currently implemented and interoperable, I doubt that making such a 
change would be in scope.
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