
A few months ago, we published the first version of the crash-stop addon
[1]. The goal was to integrate crash data along with some analysis (ex:
startup crashes) directly into Bugzilla. The goal is to help with bug
prioritization and make it easier to determine if a patch has fixed the
issue after it lands.

Following the example of the Bugzilla Socorro Lens, we have decided to
enable this functionality for everyone directly in Bugzilla given its
impact and usefulness. Thanks to Kohei’s work, the table containing the
data is now displayed in crash bugs directly without the help of the addon.
As an example, see the bug below:


Users who have previously installed the crash-stop addon can safely remove
it now.

For more information on the displayed data:


If you see something wrong or if you want to have more data, please feel
free to file a bug:



[1] https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/bugzilla-crash-stop/
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