We've decided to put this off at least 66.
On 2018/11/30 10:47, Masayuki Nakano wrote:
Summary: Enable window.event which can access dispatching event from
Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218415
Link to standard: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#ref-for-dom-window-event
Platform coverage: All
Estimated or target release: 65
DevTools bug: (not sure)
Do other browser engines implement this?
(I think so, but I'm not sure because of not my fix.)
Enabling patch has been landed from:
because we need to manage those changes as a set.
This was disabled temporarily due to a lot of web apps assume that
window.event is available only in IE, and IE stores a Unicode code point
in keyCode of "keypress" event. Google Chrome and Edge followed same
behavior for both, so, such apps work even with them.
This is now fixed by the both fixes of:
Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Software Engineer, Mozilla
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