This is now an "intent to ship". The feature landed in the spec, in
WPT and in Gecko (targeting 66 release).

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 9:12 AM Henri Sivonen <> wrote:
> # Summary
> TextEncoder.encodeInto() adds encoding JavaScript strings into UTF-8
> into caller-provided byte buffers. This is a performance optimization
> for JavaScript/Wasm interop that allows the encoder output to be
> written directly into Wasm memory without extra copies.
> # Details
> TextEncoder.encode() returns a DOM implementation-created buffer. This
> involves coping internally in the implementation (in principle, this
> copy could be optimized away with internal-only API changes) and then
> yet another copy from the returned buffer into Wasm memory (optimizing
> away this copy needs a Web-visible change anyway).
> TextEncoder.encodeInto() avoids both copies.
> combined with
> TextEncoder.encodeInto() is expected to avoid yet more copying.
> The expectation is that passing strings from JS to Wasm is / is going
> to be common enough to be worthwhile to optimize.
> # Bug
> # Link to standard
> # Platform coverage
> All
> # Estimated or target release
> 67
> # Preference behind which this will be implemented
> Not planning to have a pref for this.
> # Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?
> Yes.
> # DevTools bug
> No need for new DevTools integration.
> # Do other browser engines implement this
> No, but Chrome developers have been active in the spec discussion.
> # web-platform-tests
> # Is this feature restricted to secure contexts?
> No. This is a new method on an interface that predates restricting
> features to secure contexts.
> --
> Henri Sivonen

Henri Sivonen
dev-platform mailing list

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