Earlier today I landed a fix for bug 1517532 that will mean that an
artifact build with MOZ_PGO set will pull artifacts from an automation pgo
build. As a result artifact pgo builds as trigger by a "-p all
--artifact..." will succeed now as well (and consume pgo'd artifacts).

If we end up wanting to turn off opt builds in automation after all we may
be able to pull artifacts from pgo builds for local artifact builds by
default. The behavior of the compiled code shouldn't be different -- this
probably wouldn't matter to people developing front end code locally.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 12:25 PM jmaher <joel.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks everyone for your comments on this.  It sounds like from a
> practical standpoint until we can get the runtimes of PGO builds on try and
> in integration to be less than debug build times this is not a desirable
> change.
> A few common responses:
> * artifact opt builds on try are fast for quick iterations, a must have
> * can we do artifact builds for PGO? (thanks :nalexander for bug 1517533
> and bug 1517532)
> * what about talos?  we need to investigate this more, I have always
> argued against pgo only for talos, but maybe we can revisit that (bug
> 1514829)
> * do we turn off builds as well?  I had proposed just the tests, if we
> decide to turn off talos it would make sense to turn off builds.
> Thanks all for the quick feedback, when the bugs in this thread are
> further along, or if I see another simpler solution for reducing the
> duplication, I will follow up.
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