Summary: More explicitly expose the kind of handling for overflowing
content in media queries. Using a media expression instead of the print
media type allows for more flexibility, see the bug description.
Implementation wise, we already expose the same kind of information via
@media print right now, given we don't have any kind of built-in EBook
mode or something like that.
A volunteer sent patches for this, and I see no reason not to take them,
unless somebody objects here. Thanks a lot quasicomputational@! :)
Link to standard:
Platform coverage: all
Estimated or target release: 66
Preference behind which this will be implemented: None
Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes: Yes
DevTools bug: N/A, existing devtools features should cover this.
Do other browser engines implement this? No, we'd be the first ones
implementing this part of the spec, but I think it's uncontroversial.
The spec author was the one that filed the bug requesting
implementation, so spec-wise the feature should be stable as well.
web-platform-tests: Minimal parsing tests are being added to:
Unfortunately WPT has no way to test print preview or pagination right
now so the rest of reftests are Gecko-only.
Is this feature restricted to secure contexts? No, same as all other
media expressions.
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