Summary: A new value of text-transform to convert small Kanas to their full-size counterparts to increase legibility in the expense of accuracy, usually when font size is small, e.g. in ruby.
Bug: Link to standard: Platform coverage: All platforms Estimated or target release: 64 Preference behind which this will be implemented: N/A Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes. DevTools bug: no extra devtools support is needed. Do other browser engines implement this? No signal. web-platform-tests: A new wpt is being added in the implementing bug. Is this feature restricted to secure contexts? No, because it is just a new value to an existing CSS property. This feature is currently marked "At Risk" in the spec, but it is a small feature, and causes mostly just cosmetic changes, so it is unlikely to cause any webcompat issue for shipping or unshipping if needed. - Xidorn _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list