This is great but I have a couple queries.
>    In our implementation, once Storage Access API grants storage access,
>    all existing third-party iframes on the same first party will receive that
>    storage access, whereas in WebKit’s implementation they each would require
>    calling requestStorageAccess() separately.
>    -
Presumably this is restricted to iframes *of the same origin* on the same first 
party, i.e. if there are 2 iframes on different origins they would each still 
have to request storage access. Can you confirm this?

> We don’t necessarily believe that a model where the user is asked whether
> they consent to sharing their data with third-party trackers is ideal,
> because explaining the implications of the data sharing is very hard, and
> there are many problems associated with asking for permission from the
> user.  But we are looking at this API as a programmatic hook into the point
> in time when a third-party context would like to obtain full storage access
> rights, which would allow the browser to perform various forms of
> security/privacy checks at that time. Prompting the user is only one of the
> options we’ve thought about so far.  Note that the API limits granting
> access only to callers coming at times when processing a user gesture.
The legal requirement in Europe is that storage can only be accessed if the 
user has unambiguously given their "freely given, specific & informed" consent. 
How will a European website top-level context (first-party) ensure that 
embedded third-parties will not be granted storage access without the user 
first being prompted?


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