Hi David, thanks for crafting this text. Would it make sense to also
mention countermeasures in the paragraph on privacy? (For instance:
disallowing use of this API for arbitrary origins or restricting access
to specific API methods.)

Given the significant privacy implications, I would lean toward a formal
objection, but other Mozillians have more experience with W3C charter
reviews than I do...


On 7/22/18 7:17 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
> Below is an attempt to write comments on the charter to consider the
> feedback so far in this thread.  It's not clear to me what the right
> charter changes to suggest for the privacy and fingerprinting issues
> are; I've made a proposal here, but I'm open to alternative
> suggestions.
> There's also the question of whether these comments should
> constitute a formal objection to the charter.  I think I'm leaning
> against, but could also be persuaded otherwise.
> -David
> =====
> We're glad to see the plan to merge Navigation Timing into Resource
> Timing after level 2 is complete.  However, this only partially
> addresses our concerns about confusing cross-references and
> monkeypatching between a number of the specifications produced by this
> working group.  It would be good to also see User Timing and Performance
> Timeline merged into the same set of specifications in the next level.
> A number of the group's specifications have significant privacy
> implications:  they might provide mechanisms for finding information
> about what other software is running on the user's computer, whether
> that's web content in other origins, or entirely separate software.
> This requires careful consideration of whether these features are safe.
> It would be good to see the Success Criteria section of the charter both 
> explicitly ask the group to consider these issues, and explicitly say
> that it is an acceptable result for the group to decide not to release a
> specification because an acceptable solution for user privacy cannot be
> found.
> Likewise, some specifications in the group provide significant
> additional fingerprinting surface.  When they do this, they should
> explicitly point out that they are doing so, and explicitly allow
> implementations to take countermeasures.  We'd like to see the Success 
> Criteria section of the charter encourage the group to consider 
> fingerprinting explicitly.
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