
If you don't push code to mozilla-inbound, you can stop reading now.

TL;DR: We would like to change the mozilla-inbound backout policy to be like autoland’s.

In order to decrease tree closure times for inbound, allow for more frequent merges from inbound to m-c, and ensure consistent policies across our integration branches, we propose that mozilla-inbound adopt the same policy as autoland for how issues with a push (failures, exception loops, ...) are handled. Rather than asking the developer to investigate and fix the issue with a follow-up push if possible, sheriffs will instead backout the patch and notify developers in the bug and IRC if possible.

If your patch touches so much code that it is always at risk of bitrotting or is urgent (e.g. Release Management wants it ASAP), talk to the sheriffs in the #sheriffs channel on IRC
before you push and get their approval to push (this is for checking
that mozilla-inbound will have a recent "good" state for merges).

If your patches got backed out, you can reapply them locally with |hg graft -fr <revset>| and fix them with |hg histedit| or |hg commit --amend| before pushing.

Sheriff Trainer & Code Quality Engineer

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