As of bug 1467126 these jobs are now running at tier 1.

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 3:16 PM David Major <> wrote:
> Bug 1360120 on inbound enables Windows ASan builds and tests on trunk 
> branches.
> Initially these are tier-2 while we confirm that this doesn't
> introduce test flakiness. If nothing catches fire, I intend to bump
> them to tier-1 in the near future.
> You can run these jobs on try under the platform name "win64-asan" or
> build locally with the mozconfig here:
> If you're building ASan locally on Windows 10 version 1803, you'll
> want to run mach bootstrap to pick up a fresh clang with an
> 1803-specific fix.
> This platform has taken several years to stand up. Thank you to
> everyone who helped out, especially Ehsan for getting this started and
> Ting-Yu for working through a bunch of hurdles on automation.
> Happy sanitizing!
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