On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Gijs Kruitbosch <gijskruitbo...@gmail.com>

> Dumb question because I don't do this very often - sorry!
> I am intending to async-ify a sync JS-implemented idl-defined API (which
> currently returns an unsigned long), that has a few C++ consumers. I was
> thinking the simplest solution would be a separate method definition in the
> idl that took a separate interface (nsIFooCallback) that then got the long
> and/or any other data we needed to pass. This because returning a promise
> seems to previously have involved returning jsval and then things get more
> complicated from there. The only in-tree .idl uses I saw for Promise are in
> the wpt test idl files, which I presume don't reflect our ability to
> implement that as a return type.
> If I understand correctly, with these changes I could now just use Promise
> instead. Is that correct? Can I declare it including the resolution result
> of the promise, ie can I now use:
> Promise<unsigned long> asyncGetFoo()
> in xpidl? Because that would make my life considerably easier...

Bug 1455217 by Nika is going to add a Promise type to XPIDL.  So I think
you have to wait for that.

> ~ Gijs
> On 19/04/2018 04:19, Nika Layzell wrote:
>> Yesterday, bug 1444991
>> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1444991> landed on inbound,
>> which adds support for using WebIDL defined objects directly inside of
>> XPIDL definition files.
>> This allows us to avoid using nsISupports to pass WebIDL objects which
>> don't have corresponding XPIDL interfaces through XPIDL defined methods.
>> WebIDL objects must be forward declared, like XPIDL types, in the .idl
>> file
>> which uses them:
>>    // C++ 'nsFrameLoader', from FrameLoader.webidl
>>    webidl FrameLoader;
>>    // C++ 'mozilla::dom::DataTransfer', from DataTransfer.webidl
>>    webidl DataTransfer;
>> These types may then be used like XPIDL types in method and attribute
>> declarations. These types can be used from both C++ and JS code. They are
>> exposed into Rust as '*const ::libc::c_void`.
>> - NIka
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