Generally I think we’d take performance and memory wins over installer
size, but we monitor all three and if installer size grows (gradually) by
an uncomfortable amount we ought to make a call on the trade off. We can
bring it to product should that happen.

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 6:07 PM Kris Maglione <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 02:40:52PM -0800, Bobby Holley wrote:
> >I've seen a lot of momentum around migrating chrome-only XPIDL interfaces
> >to WebIDL. I'm concerned that insufficient attention is being paid to the
> >impact on our binary size.
> >
> >Fundamentally, the WebIDL bindings improve performance and spec
> correctness
> >at the expense of code size (and build times). This makes sense for things
> >that are web-exposed or performance-sensitive. But since the webidl
> >bindings are also more modern and easier to use, I'm concerned that people
> >will use them indiscriminately for all sorts of internal APIs, and our
> >binary will bloat by a thousand paper cuts.
> >
> >A WebIDL method binding can easily cost a kilobyte or more, depending on
> >the number and types of the arguments. If we were to convert all of our
> >existing xpidl methods, we could approach 10MB in added code size.
> I'm not sure how much of an immediate concern this should be.
> There are different costs to WebIDL and XPIDL bindings. WebIDL
> bindings have more cost in terms of compiled code size. XPIDL
> have greater costs in terms of performance and runtime memory.
> I'm not sure exactly where the balance is as far as impact to
> package size.
> And I think the benefits of WebIDL interfaces apply as much to
> our internal uses as they do to web-exposed interfaces. The
> amount of WebIDL overhead I regularly see in profiles can be
> staggering. And XPIDL has enough foot-guns when interfacing with
> JS that it's easy enough cause confusion and breakage even when
> dealing with internal code.
> That said, if we're worried about binary size becoming an issue
> for internal interfaces, there are things we can do to reduce
> the code size of bindings. Particularly if we're willing to eat
> the performance costs.
> At any rate, I don't expect us to convert anywhere near all of
> our XPIDL interfaces to WebIDL. A lot of them don't need to be
> exposed to JS at all. A lot of those should still go away, but
> they don't need WebIDL bindings, just concrete native classes.
> And a lot of the rest are little-enough used that I can't see
> anyone spending the effort on converting them.
> >Gating on DOM peer review gave us some degree of oversight to prevent
> >overuse. What should replace it?
> How much have DOM peers been focusing on preventing over-use, so
> far? Granted, most of the WebIDL bindings I've created to date
> have been to address measurable performance issues, but I've
> never had a reviewer suggest that I should be worried about
> over-use.
> >On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 2:01 PM, Kris Maglione <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> It is now possible[1] to create chrome-only WebIDL interfaces in the
> >> dom/chrome-webidl/ directory that do not require review by DOM peers
> after
> >> every change. If you maintain an internal performance-sensitive XPIDL
> >> interface, or are considering creating one, I'd encourage you to
> consider
> >> migrating it to WebIDL.
> >>
> >> Some caveats to keep in mind:
> >>
> >> - Interfaces in this directory must be annotated with [ChromeOnly].
> >> Dictionaries, however, can be included without any special annotations.
> >>
> >> - If you are new to writing WebIDL files, I'd still encourage you to
> ask a
> >> DOM peer to review at least your initial check-in.
> >>
> >> - Please make sure that you do not attempt to expose any of the
> interface
> >> or dictionary types defined in these WebIDL files to web contexts,
> through
> >> interfaces defined in dom/webidl/. Doing so would require (and fail) DOM
> >> peer review, in any case, but please think ahead.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> - Kris
> >>
> >> [1]: As of bugs 1443317 and 1442931
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