On 18/01/2018 17:36, Mark Banner wrote:
On 18/01/2018 16:56, Nicholas Alexander wrote:
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 6:34 PM, Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com <mailto:masay...@d-toybox.com>> wrote:

    Hello, everyone.

    Please stop using keypress event for handling non-printable keys
    in new code when you write new code and new automated tests.
    Firefox will stop dispatching keypress events for non-printable
    keys for conforming to UI Events and struggling with web
    compatibility. (non-printable key means key combination which
    won't cause inputting character, e.g., arrow keys, backspace key
    and Ctrl (and/or Alt) - "A" key, etc.)

Could someone who is knowledgeable about ES lint comment on whether it is possible to leverage ES lint to draw a line in the sand, at least on the JavaScript side of the house?
If I understand correctly, Masayuki is asking that we stop doing things like `document.addEventListener("keypress", detectKeyEvent);` when expecting a non-printable key. If so, that isn't going to be possible unless keypress is being banned completely.

The problem is we'd need to do analysis of the listener function and what's happening inside it, and that would be too complicated for us to handle in ESLint.

We can do things like ban the use of a particular function, or a function with specific parameters quite easily, but once we need to start looking into actual details, then it tends to be too difficult.

Ah, yeah, I missed the 'figure out whether we care about non-printable keys' bit. On the other hand, I doubt we really use lots of keypress listeners for printable characters in frontend JS? By the sounds of it, all types of shortcuts are basically non-printable, and the only things that would be printable would be actual text input. Apart from maybe the urlbar or searchbar (where I'd still expect us to use 'input' events rather than 'keypress'), I somewhat doubt we have loads of those handlers... so it might be worth having a (temporary?) eslint rule that warned for keypress listener additions and adding comments to the ones that we need for printable keys in the rare cases where that happens.

~ Gijs
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