Background: SMIL includes a feature for triggering animations based on


    <rect width="100" height="100" fill="blue">
      <animate begin="accessKey(s)" attributeName="opacity" to="0" dur="1s" />

Proposal: In bug 1423098 I intend to remove this feature.


* Apart from Gecko, only Presto supports it.
* accessKey has been the source of security issues in the past such as
bug 704482.
* We're trying to reduce the amount of SMIL-specific code in Gecko,
since it is not used a lot, it increases our attack surface area, and
it slows down other work on the style system like the Stylo project.

Status in other browsers:

Blink: No support. There is a "// FIXME: accesskey() support" in the code.[1]
WebKit: No support. The FIXME appears to be pre-fork.[2]
IE/Edge: No SVG SMIL support at all.
Presto: Supports accessKey but you need to press Shift + Esc first.

I'm not planning on adding a developer console warning at this point
unless someone suggests that would be useful.

Best regards,


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