Hey David,

> * the problem is either: the web dev has reinvented something that would
have hasd baked-in accessibility had they followed best practice instead,
Or, best practice doesn't yet cover what web apps want or need to
do...(related, see rules here https://www.w3.org/TR/using-aria/#rule1)

I was aware of this document however it's pretty confusing that the main
ARIA spec doesn't link to it due to the complexity of ARIA.
I'm also confused if the "authoring guidelines" will supersede this
document, if so I couldn't see any mention of the "Use HTML first" wording

If roles are mapped 1:1 to HTML features we basically:
- Promote the use of bad markup and the expectation that bad markup will
use good ARIA.
- The need to reimplement all of HTML into ARIA becomes greater.

As for the role=password there wasn't a clear set of use cases or web
developers asking for this feature. My concern is that the spec authors
have done exactly this for other parts of ARIA.


On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:37 AM, David Bolter <dbol...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Jonathan Kingston <j...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
>> *Thoughts*
>> We should ensure ARIA provides clear justification for any other roles
>> that
>> already have HTML representation.
>> I'm pretty sceptical of ARIA helping Accessibility. I think there is more
>> impact when assistive and non-assistive improvements work together like
>> <dialog>.
> I definitely agree with the impact part. But as long as web developers are
> able to build a dialog out of divs and spans, at least there is a way to
> give that jumble a role. The use of ARIA should be a smell* yes, but it has
> been essential to making what exists out there accessible.
> * the problem is either: the web dev has reinvented something that would
> have hasd baked-in accessibility had they followed best practice instead,
> Or, best practice doesn't yet cover what web apps want or need to do...
> (related, see rules here https://www.w3.org/TR/using-aria/#rule1)
> Cheers,
> D
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