On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Dave Townsend <dtowns...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> If you’re working on improving storage or syncing of data in any of our
> products or projects, on any platform, or if you’re currently struggling to
> work with what currently exists, then we’d like to hear from you and align
> our efforts.
We have quite a bit of ongoing activity linked from
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1147820 focused on APIs
exposed to web content (HTTP cache, cookies, localStorage, Indexed DB,
service worker registrations, etc.) and the associated UI exposed to
users. There should maybe be a discussion at some point if the backend
can be reconciled somehow as I think it would be beneficial to users
if at some point some or all of this data could be synchronized in the
same manner bookmarks are today. (No reason to "install" a web
application twice or not having access to locally stored documents if
the user agent can just synchronize the necessary data for you.)

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