On 11/29/2017 06:36 PM, Mike Taylor wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 2017, at 10:53 AM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@crisal.io> wrote:
>> In bug 1035091 I intend to remove support for the @-moz-document CSS
>> rule in content pages (more exactly in author stylesheets).
> This is a pretty widely used mechanism to target styles for Gecko. Would it 
> be possible to disable in non-release for a few releases to sniff out any 
> major layout/compat bustage?

Sure, sounds good.

Another thing we could try to do if plain unshipping fails would be to
just hide the regex matching function, which IIUC would prevent the
security issue too. But hiding it behind a pref on non-release for now
sounds good.

Boris, would you also be fine with that?

 -- Emilio
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