There are several CSS properties, which are supposed to be internal, unintentionally unshipped from web content with Stylo. We didn't notice that until we started looking at internal properties support in chrome.
The properties already unshipped in Firefox 57 are: -moz-window-opacity -moz-window-transform -moz-window-transform-origin We intend to further unship -moz-context-properties and -moz-control-character-visibility in addition since Firefox 59. More details: Those properties are marked with CSS_PROPERTY_INTERNAL in nsCSSPropList.h, so we also mark them "internal" in Servo code. However, Servo's "internal" means not parsable, while CSS_PROPERTY_INTERNAL in Gecko actually means not exposed via CSSOM, but it doesn't change whether a property is parsable. Effectively the only detectable difference is whether "@supports" works with the given properties, since CSSOM doesn't expose them. So I don't expect issues happen because of this. But I think it would still be better to send a notification to the list for this unshipping. - Xidorn _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list