On 11/5/17 12:55 PM, Mike Hommey wrote:
> So it seems to me the core problem is not as much "there's too much noise"
> as "people are not posting on #developers anymore". One could think
> there's correlation, but I think the reality is simply that less people
> use irc.

Thanks for the stats and history Mike, very interesting! I was aware
that before, firebot took care of those messages, but indeed it didn't
seem to bother back then because there was enough other discussion

For me, #developers has always been the chat based version of
m.d.platform. Certainly not the place for newcomers to ask introductory
question, but the place to ask gecko platform questions for people that
have previous experience. On https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC it is
described as "General Firefox and Gecko development discussion".

If there is a better place to ask ad-hoc questions about Gecko, I am
happy to go there (and we should make sure the channel is promoted in
our docs).

I can see how less usage of IRC can lead to the situation we have now.
As long as there is an (open) replacement that is more accepted nowadays
I think this is fine, but aside from that I think we should find a way
to promote discussing Firefox and Platform issues in the open again.

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